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Tuesday 22 October 2024

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The Moor of Rannoch Hotel – perfection in a perfect place

The Moor of Rannoch Hotel

As mentioned in our article about Rannoch Moor, whether you arrive at this wonderfully secluded spot via the legendary train station, just about midway on the West Highland Railway as it snakes its route from Glasgow to Fort William, or indeed by car, along the B846 through the village of Kinloch Rannoch, a road whose path must be followed until the very end in order to reach this beautifully desolate spot, you will find upon that arrival but one hostelry at which to lay your head.

That this auspicious place is just about as good as it could be, is welcome news to the weary, if excited, traveller. Stealing up by car, one cannot possibly stand in the shoes of the intrepid rail traveller who, disembarking at the quaintly picturesque station aforementioned, would be a hard nut to crack indeed if he, or she, or they, did not feel some trepidation and wonder at just how, and why, one could fetch up at such a wild, if exhilarating, locale, and putting to themselves the question as to whether there might have been some trace of madness in ancestry which, as these things are sometimes wont to do, had made a sudden and successful bid to resurface and be reasoned with.

Any such doubts however, by whichever track one eventually arrives, are completely banished by the warm welcome of Scott and Steph, your hosts at the prestigious Moor of Rannoch Hotel.

This grand little establishment is as pleasing to the countenance as the very breath of fresh air one seeks by first determining to repair to such a spot, with its charming and comfortable en-suite rooms, all individually styled, right down to the cosily inviting lounge bar and superb restaurant.

From Steph’s mouthwatering breakfast offerings, including, of course, the full Scottish if you’re up to it (and our advice would be to see that you are, at least once during your stay) to the perfectly balanced dinner menu, conjuring the very best home-cooked dishes, prepared using fresh, locally-sourced, seasonal ingredients, to absolute perfection, one could entertain not the remotest possibility of going hungry for the merest instant.

No wifi, mobile or TV signal is the supreme enhancement of your stay, causing you to partake of that wonderful, enforced rest and relaxation time, where you can just shrug your shoulders at those demanding constant contact with you, and say, in a feign, wistful manner, “what could I do?”

You might think that such a blissful sojourn would come at a premium, but not a bit of it. The rates at the hotel are surprisingly competitive, and the dinner menu just £29 for three courses, or £23 for two. Non residents are welcome for dinner, but booking is absolutely essential.

Remember, heading to the Moor of Rannoch is a long journey by road. Make sure your car is well prepared (especially if you’re travelling in the winter), and pay particular attention to the tyres. Websites such as and make it easy for you to find the right tyres for your vehicle.

So, in summary, this is one of those little indulgences every soul needs to sink deep into every now and then; when the world gets a little too much, and you need to get far from that ever madding crowd, seek out this unspoilt corner of Heaven, and plan your retreat to the majestic Moor of Rannoch.

Moor of Rannoch Hotel
Rannoch Station
PH17 2QA


Tel.: +44 (0)1882 633 238


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