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Wednesday 19 February 2025

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Tijl Uilenspiegel – perfect for a leisurely brunch in Maastricht’s famous Markt

Tijl Uilenspiegel on Maastricht's Markt

It is always a pleasure to find a convincingly bucolic spot at which to break one’s fast, and leisurely overlook some grand town square or thriving cobbled sweep, thronged by a busy, preoccupied populous.

The brasserie for this in Maastricht, situated on Markt, is undoubtedly Tijl Uilenspiegel, sharing its name with the iconic German folk hero.

A vast range of hot and cold alcoholic and soft beverages is augmented with solidly simple dishes, a favourite being the Dutch style eggs and bacon, all fried up in the pan together and served at the table in that same vessel. A tall decaf latte with a little sweet meat on the side were the perfect accompaniment to a spot of people watching, as the late August showers gave way to brighter skies, foretelling even of sunshine to come.

At night a trendy bar, this most satisfying little establishment certainly gets our seal of approval.

Tijl Uilenspiegel
Markt 30
6211 CK Maastricht


Tel.: 0031 (0)43 321 5774


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