Avignon by train, for South of France city breaks and perfect summer holidays
Avignon, with its sunshine and ancient charm, proved to be the perfect place in which to begin my conquest of Provence! In all my global ramblings, the South of France was an area I had never explored. Not that I didn’t want to, mind! I just sort of thought that I’d get around to it eventually, once I’d done with the more exotic destinations on my ...

Whitby, for literary romance, North Yorkshire culture, or fantastic fish and chips
If the romantic, literary moiety of your soul needs an infusion of traditional English indulgence, you could do a lot worse than repair to the East Yorkshire seaside town of Whitby. With the ancient peaks and haunted heights of its ruined abbey having played home to England’s first poet, Caedmon, and later shelter to that evilest of vampires, Dracula, in Bram Stoker’s nineteenth century gothic ...

Rannoch Moor – a place where you can lose yourself from the world for a while
It is the long held desire of many a mere mortal to find a place of absolute solitude; a quiet spot where one can truly leave behind all the cares and woes of everyday life. The human condition, however, romanticises such a circumstance beyond the true desire of most of us, and what we really seek is a quiet, stress free hidey-hole to which we ...

Kusttram – the Belgian Coastal Tramway from De Panne to Knokke
As we travel around this wonderful planet we call Earth, it’s not difficult to compose what many call a ‘bucket’ or ‘must do’ list. These, as their names suggest, tend to comprise all those places to visit and activities to achieve before we’re either too old to accomplish them, or indeed, we slip off the hook permanently. Some of these are major undertakings, such as visiting the ...

Beautifully lost in the land of blue skies
From a stunning horse ride in the wildly outlandish terrain to a genial dinner in stylish Ulaanbaatar, you'll find breathtaking Mongolia stays with you forever “He must be from Outer Mongolia!” Kevin Jackson would proclaim with stark regularity when he deemed some new boy at school didn’t quite fit in. Kevin, the sort of comrade you loved to fight with, was my ‘best friend’ throughout primary ...

Israel, Palestine and the Holy Lands
A fantastic tour of Israel and the Holy Lands doesn’t come in a much better guise than this superb offering from UK-based holiday company Leger A trip to the Holy Lands was something I’d been wanting to do for many years - probably since my childhood. It’s not so much that I am devoutly religious, although I do consider myself a Christian, but the whole historical ...

Chernobyl, site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster
Chernobyl and Pripyat: after the Wormwood nuclear holocaust I’m not really sure what I expected of my trip to Chernobyl. I’d read plenty about the subject for many months before my eventual arrival in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, weighed up time and again the moral and safety issues and ultimately decided to take the plunge. The world’s worst nuclear disaster was, ironically, the result of a ...

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All the best from the World Travel Blog team...
- Simferopol, Yalta, Balaklava and Sevastopol: exploring the Crimea
- Alike in dignity, a Starcrossed pub cat and his team make for a fabulous London local
- Liquid Café in Luxembourg's Grund - fabulously atmospheric!
- Iceland: magical land of glaciers, volcanoes, geysers and waterfalls
- Café de Paris in Luxembourg - perfect for an afternoon or evening's chill time
- ale: I like the way you narrate your visit- pretty sassy, i might add. This topic is so fascinating to me. It gives...
- Annie Dew: Intriguing ! I would love to visit these islands, definately on my to do list in the near future.
- Tom Kristensen: I’ve been partying in Barcelona many times. Never on a stag though – but doesn’t...
- Shelley: The pink Skoda!!! lol x
- Al Thomosn: very interesting, wish I’d read this before travelling to Aldeburgh!! did notice the petrol station...