Jack’s Cannery Bar – a pearl in an oyster on Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco, ruined by a rude waiter
With more beers than you could shake a stick at, you’d be hard pushed not to be impressed by Jack’s Bar, but the rude dumb-ass of a waiter will soon have you heading for the door…
Ok – I’m going to leave in the following review of Jack’s bar because, yesterday, that is genuinely how I felt about it. However… we’ve just eaten there tonight (the food was great) and paid our bill, leaving a tip of just over 10%, just like we have every other time we’ve had anything here. Once we’d settled up, however, we decided to have one more beer, and went to the bar to get them (just as we have at scores of other bars across the globe). We were interrupted in our journey bar-wards by a waiter who said he’d bring the drinks over. Now, maybe it was bad form on our part, but having just left a tip, we drank our beers and got up to leave, only to be approached by said waiter who proceeded to hurl abuse at us for not tipping him. He then bullied us into giving him a $2 tip. Guess who won’t be frequenting Jack’s bar again? However good a place is (and we weren’t actually going to mention the mouse running around the joint last night) I don’t need any dumb-ass, rude hick of a waiter making me think I’ve done something wrong when I haven’t. He needs firing right now if he’s going to make customers feel like that. Tipping should always be an option depending on whether you get good service or not. And in this case, it was most definitely a not.
Wandering around Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, I was fortunate enough to stumble across the hugely atmospheric Jack’s bar at 441 Jefferson Street. It was one of those drizzly December days where the low cloud gave Alcatraz all the mystery and suspense it deserves, and my morning’s photoshoot had been fun but intense. My dogs were barking (ok, for you San Franciscans, that just means my feet were aching) so to happen by such a treasure, with its red Studebaker Daytona parked out front (listen to me, talking like a native!) was the perfect stop off for a refreshing beer.
On offer was an impressive array of 68 ales, lagers and ciders on draught, increasing to a grand overall selection of 85 when you include the bottled varieties. And to add to the perfection, I was served up a couple of chilled Boddington’s; the cream of Manchester right here in the Wharf was the icing on the cake.
Great bar, great staff and a wonderful space – definitely goes on our list of the world’s finest locals.
Jack’s Cannery Bar
441 Jefferson Street
San Francisco
CA 94133
Tel.: (415) 931-6400
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Hilarious! Made my day reading this… hahaha