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Tuesday 22 October 2024

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The Victoria Hotel, Cleveleys – probably one of the world’s greatest pubs

The Victoria Hotel, Cleveleys

Now there aren’t that many truly traditional pubs left in the country. A bold statement, I know, but let me qualify it for a moment: by traditional I mean no Sky Sports, no jukebox – in fact, no telly or music at all. Just a quiet corner to pop into and enjoy a pint of proper ale with some civilised conversation.

Unless, of course, you are lucky enough to stumble across a Sam Smith’s pub. Still owned and operated independently by Humphrey Smith, the Tadcaster based brewery takes a pride in offering something completely different and a wee bit special. Oh – and as of recently, there are no mobile phones to interrupt your relaxing mug of ale either. Or any other electronic devices for that matter, due to a brewery ban on them. It’s taking a little while to get through despite the best efforts of the managers and staff (we popped into a few where punters are still not cottoning on), but by and large they’re getting there. And it’s oh so peaceful. Bliss, actually.

One of the finest Sam Smith’s pubs we’ve come across is the Victoria Hotel in Cleveleys, Lancashire, beautifully run by landlords Marcus Howard and Jackie Hole. It’s a bit like stepping back in time, but in every way that’s good. The perfectly kept beers and lagers are own brand, and very cheap compared to much of the competition; a decent pint of lager will set you back a mere £1.40 (yes, you read that right) and a cask ale just £2.

The Vic (as it’s affectionately known to locals) is one of those rare establishments that seems to be operated for the benefit of the patrons. Marcus and Jackie run a tight ship, and it shows in the superb levels of service as well as in how clean and welcoming the place is. The whole team are a credit to them, and on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays you can sample Jackie’s fabulous cuisine – the delicious meals won’t set you back a fortune either.

What’s really great about this pub (apart from the fact that it’s a wonderful old building and full of character) is that you can see the love and care lavished upon it. There is a real sense of pride, and I congratulate the management on a job superbly done.

So if you ever happen to be in the area and fancy a real treat, give the Vic a try. We’d like to say – for all the right reasons – that it’s probably one of the best pubs in the world. Congratulations guys.

The Victoria Hotel
183 Victoria Road West
United Kingdom

Telephone: 01253 853306

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